New Aluminium Free Antiperspirant

A new antiperspirant is now available from the makers of SweatStop that does not contain aluminium chloride. It is called IXAL and contains a patented formula that naturally normalises sweating without sealing the pores of the sweat glands. The dermatologically tested roll-on forumulation reduces sweating and nourishes the skin.

How does it work?

IXAL uses a patented formulation of fatty acids that are naturally occurring in nature which work on the naturally occurring processes in the body to reduce sweating.

Why Aluminium Free?

Most antiperspirants (unlike deodorants) contain aluminium salts that work by blocking the pores that lead from the sweat glands to reduce the amount of sweat that appears on the skin. Some people find, that even with normal strength antiperspirants, their skin burns or itches after applying it. Stronger antiperspirants contain more aluminium and, especially when applied to delicate skin areas such as the underarms, the burning can be intolerable which prevents some people using it anymore.

You will not have to look far on the internet to find articles suggesting aluminium is linked to the developement of cancer or Alzheimer’s disease and probably similar numbers disputing this claim. Many national and international organisations such as the EU and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US have not found sufficient evidence to conclude there is a causative link. A recent scientific paper from Germany reviewed the evidence for the safety of antiperspirants and other drugs for hyperhidrosis and concluded such concerns remain “unsolved” which is probably as much as anyone can say currently.

Should I switch to, or be using, aluminium free antiperspirant?

If you are one of many who find that your skin burns after applying your aluminium based antiperspirant, then yes, it is worth trying an alternative.

If you are concerned about using aluminium whether or not your concerns turn out to be proven or not in the future, then yes.

If your current antiperspirant is working perfectly adequately for your requirements, no stick with what you know.

Where can I get IXAL?

In the UK, you can buy it on line from the store.