Hyperhidrosis project needs patient involvement

A new hyperhidrosis project, based in the UK, has just started. It is called the Hyperhidrosis Priority Setting Partnership. This is not a typical research project but more like the seeds for future research into hyperhidrosis. The project is centred around patients and needs more patients to be involved, please read on.

There is currently very little research underway into hyperhidrosis. There are just three clinical trials for hyperhidrosis registered in the world, none of which are in the UK; as a comparison, there are about 160 clinical trials registered for psoriasis including 13 in the UK.

The Priority Setting Partnership will identify the research questions that are seen to be important to patients with hyperhidrosis, the healthcare professionals that treat them and the parents or carers of patients with hyperhidrosis. Much of the medical research that is carried out ends up having very little direct benefit to patients despite many millions of pounds being spent on it. One of the key objectives of this project is to highlight to funding bodies what questions really need answers to help improve the lives of patients who suffer from this terrible condition.

The project will be asking for the views of patients across the country but needs more patients to be part of the Steering Group. It is possible to participate confidentially so your involvement is anonymous to the outside world. It is also possible to attend the meetings by phone or the internet if preferred.

The project is being facilitated by the James Lind Alliance who have a wealth of experience with Priority Setting Partnerships and is supported by the UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network and De Montford University in Leicester.

If you would like to be involved in this very important project, please contact Dr Louise Dunford, Senior Lecturer at De Montford University via email at: [email protected].