What are they?
'Antiperspirants' and 'deodorants' are not the same.
An antiperspirant reduces sweat production while deodorants are designed just to remove and mask unpleasant smells, but not reduce the sweating.
If regular antiperspirants do not control your excessive sweating, a strong antiperspirant containing Aluminium Chloride is usually the first line of treatment. Anhydrol Forte (roll on), Odaban (spray) and Driclor (roll on) are sold in most chemists or on-line, and are available on a prescription from your GP.
Get the best results
To get the best results from an antiperspirant you should apply it at night-time to clean, dry skin so that it can work overnight when sweating is at its least. If your skin is wet when applying an antiperspirant it might cause burning and discomfort. You should apply the antiperspirant every evening for the first week or two then it usually only needs to be applied every few days to keep your sweating under control.
These antiperspirants may cause irritation, which can be helped by the use of a weak (1%), corticosteroid cream, or you may be able to control the sweating by using the antiperspirant less frequently.
SweatStop® is a range of aluminium chloride antiperspirants available available from SweatHelp.co.uk.Unlike most brands of strong antiperspirants, SweatStop has a range of strengths and ways to apply it so it can be used on all skin types and all skin areas from head to toe.
Like all aluminium chloride antiperspirants, they are to be applied at night to a dry skin (with the exception of the 'Instant', which is a cream that takes immediate effect). The range offers 'upside down' pump sprays which make it easier to apply to places like the back or feet, and sensitive sprays and creams for the face and other sensitive areas. See SweatHelp.co.uk.

Aluminium-free antiperspirant for underarm hyperhidrosis
An Aluminium Free antiperspirant, IXAL, is available from the makers of SweatStop. It contains a patented formula that naturally normalises sweating without sealing the pores of the sweat glands and it works best for people with hyperhidrosis of the underarms. The dermatologically tested roll-on formulation reduces sweating and nourishes the skin.
You will not have to look far on the internet to find articles suggesting aluminium is linked to the development of cancer or Alzheimer’s disease and probably similar numbers disputing this claim. Many national and international organisations such as the EU and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US have not found sufficient evidence to conclude there is a causative link. A scientific paper from Germany reviewed the evidence for the safety of antiperspirants and other drugs for hyperhidrosis and concluded such concerns remain “unsolved” which is probably as much as anyone can say currently. IXAL is available from SweatHelp.co.uk.
Patient information for clinics is available on request.