A UK based review of the scientific publications relating to the treatment of hyperhidrosis has been undertaken. It will be published on line in January 2018 but the authors have asked us to share the key results with you here.
The project was commissioned by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and undertaken by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at the University of York and the Institute of Health and Society at Newcastle University.
The review looked at the evidence for treatments of hyperhidrosis of the hands, feet and armpits. They concluded, as we already knew, that the evidence for most treatments of hyperhidrosis is limited. Although weak, they found consistent evidence to support using iontophoresis for treating hyperhidrosis of the hands.
Unsurprisingly, there is quite a lot of evidence concerning botox for treatment of the underarms but it was suggested that further research should look at the clinical effectiveness of this compared to iontophoresis.
In terms of cost effectiveness for the NHS, it was concluded that the treatment sequence for treating the underarms should be iontophoresis, botox, medication, curettage and ETS as the last resort which fits in with the advice we give on this site.
The summary document aimed at patients can be downloaded by clicking here.