If you were unable to find the answer to your hyperhidrosis related question on this website then please complete the form below to ask us.
If you have never been referred to a dermatologist (where still available) this is likely to be the advice if you have primary hyperhidrosis because these are the doctors trained to manage hyperhidrosis.
Also, if you have developed sweating symptoms since becoming an adult you are likely to have secondary hyperhidrosis. Please review your medications as it is highly likely that one or more of these will be causing your sweating as a side effect.
Advice is provided by employees of Limbco Ltd, Hereford, UK, who have many years of experience providing products for the management of hyperhidrosis. This does not, nor is it intended to, substitute the advice of fully qualified and registered medical practitioners. Our overriding advice will always to go and discuss your symptoms with your own GP.
We try to answer questions within 48 hours, but this might be longer during busy periods and over public holidays.